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Thank you for subscribing to "Tiger Beat USA".  You will receive 6 monthly issues of the best magazine ever.  We have taken heart throbs of the past and have them talk to you about what they are doing now. Our magazine is also filled with hot fashions, unique and tasty entree's that can be made in your home.  Bucket list places you must visit yourself and cool things you can do.  A magazine that tells you what it takes to make it as a popular and working actor in film and tv and a step by step guide on how to become a successful singer that makes money daily and on your terms.  Personal managers, agents, casting directors, producers talk about what new or seasoned actors can do to start or advance their career.  We also have a Life 101 story that shows you how to plan out your life for success.  Example: We give you a money chart on what type of life style you can expect to have with or without an education.  Starting off with living with your family, to living with your friends, girlfriend or wife. What is expected from you to live in a 2 bedroom apartment, 3 bedroom home, 5 bedroom saburban home, an executive home, build your own home on your own property and how to become a millionaire at any age over 12 years old.  

We show you who your biggest enemy in life is.  It happens to be yourself.  You make the decisions to do or not do.  It is entirely up to you.  Love advice on finding out if your just a friend, a lover or a booty call.  Access our weekly webinar to talk to celebrities, agents, producers, successfull millionaires and people who live the life you want to have.  Not only do they talk to you. They show you how to make it.  


Most of all, Tiger Beat USA will sponsor you if you do not have the money or credit. But are willing to put in the effort to live the life you want to live.  First things first, you must be a fan of Tiger Beat USA.  

You will receive your first issue on July 1, 2024 and a new issue every month for 5 more months.  This means, you get the backing of our magazine, events, team members, and much, much more.

6 month Tiger Beat USA subscription with Tiger Beat USA VIP lapel pin


    Welcome to the new, the improved and the best version of "Tiger Beat USA".  Our first edition of the new and improved "Tiger Beat USA" will be in stores on July 1, 2024 and in student stores in August of 2024.

    The old version of Tiger Beat, showed readers how the cute and rich lived their lives. Tiger Beat USA shows it's readers how to join them in TV & Film.  We also show singers how to make a living from making their own music, planning local concerts and opening up for super stars.  

    Do you know the difference between a follower and a fan are?


    A "Follower" is a person who visits your social media site but does not buy anything.

    A "Fan" is a person who buys your music and merchandise. 

    When visiting social media sites, the ones who make the money are the companies running the website.  Here, we show you how to make your own merchandise or music.  

    Tiger Beat USA even partners with you to make the both of us money. We will show you how to make the merchandise and control your sales.  This information is for free and is in our magazine.  If you do not have the money to purchase the raw materials for making merchandise and your music?  

    Tiger Beat USA will invest the money into producing the merchandise and music for you. But the financial breakdown is as follows:

    Artist receives 50% from our gross sales.

    Tiger Beat USA receives 50% from our gross sales

    We interview personal managers, agents, casting directors, producers and executive producers to find out what they are looking for in hiring new talent.  We interview them for our magazines, but we also have weekly Q & A webinars for our readers. 

    We also interview successful people who are living the life we would all like to be living.  We share their stories in our magazine, and we also have weekly Q & A webinars for our readers to find out how to live out their dreams.

    We also have a "Anti Bully Section" for all ages. Our readers write into us anonymously tell us about being bullied at their school or workplace.  We then contact them directly, using a phone call, email or weekly webinar.  We teach you how to make bullies leave you alone.

    The goal of our magazine's and our weekly webinars is to interact with our loyal readers and fans.

    1st Issue due out on July 1, 2024:

    Celebrities from "The Fall Guy", "Bad Boys III", "The Greatest Showman", "America's Got Talent" and inside scoop from celebrities of past and present. 

    Plus, amazing places to visit and hot rods of yesterday & today.

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